
A seriously badass TT500 Yamaha Roadracer!

Waiting for me in my e-mail after my break. WOW!

Thanks to Alice Stevenson who wrote in:

Here are some pics of my latest build. It is a TT500 Yamaha with some modifications; mainly FZR 600 forks, wheels, and swing arm. It has a FJ600 tank. Still having teething problems, but that is the nature of the beast. This thing is a BEAST.















Oh yeah. Here’s the Before Pic!


A Repsol Goldwing and other strange creations from the Seattle, Backfire Moto motorcycle rally.

Sometimes I’m jealous of people who live in places that have seasons. Don’t get me wrong, living in Florida has perks not the least of which is year round (mostly anyway) riding weather. But sometimes I get jealous of those folks who live in places with big climate changes. It allows them a few months to simply concentrate on their latest project without the nagging guilt that they could actually be out riding instead of wrenching. It’s that thought that struck me when I was notified by Google that Steve Ginn had updated his latest online albums with some shots of the Seattle, September 19 Backfire Moto motorcycle rally. He’s also got other some fantastic albums.  Anyway, it occurred to me that any spontaneous gathering of such eclectic brands here in North Florida would be quite difficult to organize because A) we’re sorta segregated here when it comes to brands and styles and B) our projects are never “finished” because we’re usually out riding instead of wrenching.

Anyway here’s just a taste of some of the bikes in his album. Hit the link above to go see the whole thing.


The worlds smoothest Repsol!  I can’t even imagine the technical hurdles that went into this!





Seattle seems to have a great motorcycle Scene.  Here’s A few more choice bikes from his album.  Go check it out.  LOTS more there.



Robie Pruden is back with some really interesting bikes from the LEmay Museum motorcycle show.

Steve, Here’s a few from the vintage bike show last weekend

1) Nicest build there IMHO
2) Look close ! A tracker for the street
3) Cushman scooter as promised
Of course lots of vintage stuff. 1st year for this show at the LEmay Museum. Next year should be better.

Robie Pruden

An XS650 hybrid dirtbike. I absolutely LOVE this build. I’ve mapped out a similar build a few times over the years. Glad to see it could have worked.


Gotta love street legal trackers!


Wow…  just wow..  I can’t figure out what that engine is.  Any guesses?

An interesting 1979 XL 500 Motard(ish) Tracker(ish) build.

Laurent Huille sends in this intriguing build. I had a build like this in mind a few years back when one almost fell into my lap.  I would have gone in a different direction with the exhaust and headlight I think but this shows that it could have worked.

I’m a French biker
This 1979 XLS 500 is my second “self custom bike” (pardon pour mon anglais approximatif!)
Have a good day!

A before and after pic.

An Ariel Square Four Featherbed (and an excellent gallery).

Fantastic Gallery from Mr. Vince Fyie

More pictures – took these today at the Gilmore Museum Vintage Motorcycle Day.

Thank you very much sir.

Is there anything they won’t put into a featherbed frame? I’ve heard of them but I think this is the first I’ve seen… or for sure the nicest.

Here are som othe great shots well worth checking out.

A Motard BSA Gold Star

No that’s not a typo….
Thanks to our regular contributor Chuck Lathe who writes in:

I’m attaching a couple of photos of a BSA Gold Star. I wrote the owners name down, but now I can’t remember which one is his name. Anyway, I asked and he said the bike weighs about 320 pounds. There are a couple of very small headlights and there is a tag and brake light under the seat so a lot of cops would say it’s street legal. (I’m guessing others might not.) Instead of a of a primary chain, he has a belt in there. The bike was on the road and sounds good and not at all obnoxious.

Keep up the good work.
Regards, Chuck Lathe