adventure bike

Top Five All Time Favorite Production bikes. Second of Five. BMW R100GSPD

I’m going to go ahead and get this curve ball out of the way early.  I know more than a few of you might be scratching your heads a bit but hey it’s my list and I freely admit that I have some inconsistent taste in bikes. I like em all.

Well, “back in the day”, a South Florida dealer was clearing out old stock and had a sweet deal on a “Bumble Bee” black and yellow R100GS as the oilheads were on their way and he needed floorspace. I kick myself to this day for passing on it. Yeah I know the Bumble Bee wasn’t a Paris / Dakar model but I kick myself just the same. The R100GSPD was the penultimate model in the air cooled GS lineup and in my mind THE class defining Adventure bike. I think I may own one yet.

NOT Sold in the U.S. Bikes We Don’t "Get" Here in The U.S.

Over on Motorcycle Daily there’s a good blurb today about a beautifully equipped Euro only V-Strom 650. The story covers the usual storyline about Americans and their love of cruisers etc… etc…

The sad fact of the matter is that we don’t get them here because we really don’t “get” them.

Damm Shame. Missing out on some great bikes that would do very well in Americas wide open spaces.

Exhibit “A”:

A fantastic Wanderlust series courtesy of Mr. Edward Walker in Colorado.

The very talented and very gracious Mr. Walker is proprietor of the excellent He has  provided some fantastic links to what is a small morsel of his outstanding portfolio.   If you have any taste for Adventure riding,  KTM motorcycles or spectacular photography, do yourself a favor and pay him a visit.  You won’t be sorry.

Thank You Sir!