A seriously expensive “project” from Bonhams Auction house.



Here’s a link to an earlier post of one I caught at Daytona a few years back:

A 1955 Vincent 998cc Black Prince Project broke the world record for a Black Prince sold at auction, securing £91,100, almost four times its estimate

This weekend Bonhams annual Summer Classic Sale saw £2.4 million of automotive classics go under the hammer.

A 1955 Vincent 998cc Black Prince Project created a bidding frenzy, as two gentlemen on the phone battled for their most coveted item. Both bidders had a personal attachment to the bike; one having owned a Black Knight in his youth but always yearned for the superior Black Prince, the other (the eventual winner) sharing a birth year with the bike, and wanting to gift himself the Prince for his birthday.

The high performance motorcycle project eventually sold for almost four times its estimate at £91,100, becoming the top lot of the motorcycle sale and setting a world record for a Black Prince sold at auction.

mini rant and a test of some new linkages (with some old BSA power).

Mini RANT! From a former “fanboy” now just pissed off at Google.

They just can’t resist a chance to reach out and mess with me. Now they mutilate my perfectly content and situated data with delusions of google Plus imperialism

I had to move massive amounts of old images recently from google Picassa to Flickr because google absolutely trashed all the old linkages when they forced them under the god awful abomination known as Google Plus and the “umbrella” of that social network.

It’s a lonely hollow universe there but they seem to think that it’s 1988 and they are AOL with nowhere else for people to go. I dumped blogger years ago after Google bought them and pulled some shenanigans on my earlier blog. I also noticed that for a time you could not post comments on Youtube without a gmail address/google Plus account… seriously… I still reluctantly have my Gmail address to this site but I’m otherwise switching my online universe as far away from google as is practical/possible. Mostly (belive it or not) back to Yahoo. A big reversal for this one time google fan. so it goes.


Reader Project.

What a nice backroad barnstormer!   I like that the suspension is original(ish).  A lot of these builds tend to a bit too many modern with forks and swingarm upgrades that are overkill IMO. This looks to be be a great ride! Bravo!

From Gerhard Schein

Hi, normaly I am doing only Motorcycle restoration for myself. That’s the first bike what I made for a customer. It was a R100 RT , 80 model.
Hope you like it. I called it BoXer.
Next is coming soon.
Regards from Cape town
Gery S.

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